Blue Persian rug: the 3 main color tones of Persian blue color in Persian rugs

Blue Persian rug: the 3 main color tones of Persian blue color in Persian rugs

Persian blue is one of the colors that can be seen almost everywhere in Iran, from modern buildings to old mosques and their tiles. Persian rugs are no exception to this rule, but Blue Persian rug is one of the best-selling types of Persian rugs based on color. Persian red, Persian pink, and Persian green are other special colors that are known as Iran.

blue rug in a house

The origin of the use of Persian blue color in ancient Iran

In general, colors such as blue and turquoise have been used many times in Iranian clothing and clothing styles, these colors were among the most widely used in our country. Another use of this color in ancient Iran was the weaving of Persian blue carpets.

A look at the use of Persian blue in Islamic Iranian architecture

No matter how much we look at the taste, we still can not deny the greatness and position of Iranian Islamic architecture and the motifs used in it. Just pay attention to the details of their roles and tiles once again. This style of Iranian Islamic architecture has so many professional details that it arouses the admiration of every artist.

Persian blue color used in blue Persian rug

Persian blue used in blue Persian rug includes three main color tones: Persian blue (medium-light blue); Mild Persian blue (medium slightly grayish blue to slightly indigo); And it is a kind of dark blue that is very close to the color of dark indigo.

Due to the increasing use of this color in mosques, people think that the use of this color has become common since the arrival of Islam in Iran, but this belief is far from the truth because of the use of Persian blue color before the arrival of Islam in Iran. A clear example is the pottery leftover from ancient Iran that testifies to this.

an iranian girl in red clothes is sleeping on a Blue persian rug

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